海伦多兰英语教学总监Heather Michelle:以孩子为先
以下为海伦多兰英语教学总监Heather Michelle专访实录:
主持人:各位网友大家好,欢迎来到中国教师盛典暨新浪2019五星金牌教师评选颁奖典礼系列访谈节目,本一时段我们邀请到了来自海伦多兰英语教学总监Heather Michelle,Hello,Ms.Michelle!
Heather Michelle:你好!
主持人:您是如何定义金牌教师的?How to define the 5-Star teacher?
Heather Michelle:首先:金牌教师应该激发学生的学习兴趣。实际情况是,当你努力“让”孩子去学的时候,这样的知识往往不牢靠。海伦多兰的口号是:“以孩子优先。”海伦多兰教学中的两大关键要素是,给孩子正面的积极强化和自然吸收语言。金牌教师应该利用这两大要素来培养学生的自信心和学习兴趣。有自信的并对学习产生兴趣的学生就可以不断学习和成长。
FIRST:A 5-star teacher inspires their students to learn。 The reality is you can try to MAKE students learn but often this knowledge is not retained in your long-term memory。 In Helen Doron, our slogan is “where children come first。” Two key elements of Helen Doron involve giving ample positive reinforcement and learning through play。 A 5-star teacher can use these to build confidence and a love of learning in their students。 Students who feel capable and have developed a desire for learning will continue learn and grow。
How can you inspire this kind of learning? If you think about what you remember from your past most vividly it is when you were most happy or the opposite extremely sad; in between usually gets lost in the void because it’s not emotionally important to us。 At Helen Doron, we use learning strategies like PIGS – using many Props, Interaction, Games and Songs, a combination of learning styles like VAK – Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic to help create learning through play and conscious use of positive reinforcement。 In this way, we build relationships with students and parents and create a memorable experience。 Being able to do this effectively is what makes a 5-star teacher。
SECOND: A 5-star teacher helps children to develop skills not just supply knowledge。 Knowledge is everywhere now –available at our fingertips with one click – but skills are only attained by practice。 At Helen Doron, we use a natural and native mother-tongue method for learning; we create several games and activities to help children figure out the meaning of the English。 I tell parents – I am not the “no translation” police officer but when you translate for your children, in the short term you have resolved the problem but we are not setting our children up for long-term success and also creating habits that become difficult to break。
In Chinese, you call this “YuGan” – the ability to learn a language independently。 YuGan is only obtained by allowing children to practice using critical thinking skills to guess and problem-solve。 Children see the language used in different contexts and complete sentences as we would learn our own mother tongue。 A 5-star teacher can use this approach effectively by giving ongoing opportunities to their students to use and develop these skills。
THIRD: A 5-star teacher can effectively communicate student feedback and progress。
Parents are big stakeholders in whether their children continue to learn at the school。 In China, parents invest a lot of time and money in learning centers of all kinds to give their children more opportunities。 Parent involvement leads to better learning results and greater enthusiasm from their children。 We can get parents involved by giving effective and regular feedback – what their child is learning, their progress, what they practice more, what is next step, ideas about how to review using what materials and how to use them。 A 4-star teacher can share these with their parents。 A 5-star teacher can do this and also communicate clearly why。
Helen Doron, herself, came from a pedagogic background。 That being said, our teaching materials clearly show what to teach with lots of creative ideas about how to do it。 Our teachers have ongoing training – including an intense one-week-long training called TTC to prepare them for different courses and ages using Helen Doron method。 Understanding what, how and why we teach empowers teachers to give professional feedback to parents。
主持人:提高教育教学质量是每位教师义不容辞的责任,我们在输出更优质的课程方面做了哪些努力?To improve high quality of education is the obligatory responsibility for every teacher, so what efforts have you do to provider higher quality courses?
Heather Michelle:首先:海伦多兰教学方法是获得学习成功的关键。在中国,许多的家庭对于正面管教颇感兴趣,并利用该方法来有效激励孩子,增强他们的能力。我认为我们的海伦多兰教学法涵盖了这些方法并进行了实践应用。我很喜欢看到教师和家长共同帮助孩子建立自信,成为独立学习者。海伦多兰的创新教学方法的两大核心概念是:1。 采用母语式教学方法,让学生以学习母语的方式获得基本语言技能并从实践经验中学习;2。 采用PIGS、VAK和简短多样化活动的教学方法,这样就可以为孩子创造一个有趣、难忘、互动和参与性的学习体验。
FIRST: Our teaching method at Helen Doron is the key to successful learning。 In China, there’s a wave of families that are interested in Positive Discipline (正面管教) and using its techniques to help effectively motivate and empower children。 I think the method we use at Helen Doron encompasses these ideals and applies them。 I love to see teachers and parents involved in helping their children become confident and independent learners。 Helen Doron has two main core concepts that create the teaching method: using a mother tongue method that exercises the same essential skills we use when we learn our own language and experiential learning – using PIGS, VAK and short, varied activities – to create a playful experience that is memorable, interactive and engages children in learning process。
There’s a lot to share about the benefits and how we use these methods。 I’d like to share one example about mother tongue。 I’m from the US and I like to ask parents where their children might learn English faster – in the USA or in China? Almost immediately all parents smile or say out loud USA。 I ask: Why? Parents point out quickly – environment。 Then I ask how do we create more of an English environment in China then?
To understand how to answer this question, we should consider the first skill you used to learn your native language。 It was listening。 In Helen Doron method, we used regular background hearing to allow children absorb the sounds and infer the meaning of language。 Background hearing means children can play, draw, bathe, eat or do other things while listening。 This sounds easier said than done but usually it’s not easy for most to do consistently。
In China, I think most parents follow closely with their children’s learning and want to see the result and progress of each step。 For listening, the results are an aftermath of time and consistency。 Parents can feel discouraged when they can’t see the immediate results of how much there are listening and learning。 If you are consistent (more listening input), you will see results (more repeating and speaking output)。 It’s like going to the gym; you need to trust if you exercise, you will start to see the results of your efforts in time。 I have had the pleasure of seeing these results many times and the children and parents who have benefited from our method。
? SECOND: Another key advantage that enhances the courses is the music, songs and dances。 Each Helen Doron course has its own songs and choreography with music influenced by styles around the world。 Not only are the children being exposed to different cultures through music but there are great many benefits to music and dance in each class:
? 帮助记忆(激活情绪,让孩子在声音、肢体语言和语言含义之间产生联想)
? 押韵的歌词有助于提升对相似声音的早期音素意识
? 让孩子的身心都更加活跃
? boosts self-esteem and emphasizes working as a group
? aids memory (activates your emotion and children build mental connections between the sounds, body language and meaning)
? rhyming lyrics aid early phonemic awareness of similar sounds
Makes you not only more physical active but also mentally
- to name a few。 In Helen Doron, each course’s song and/or dance not only has cultural variations but also are specifically designed to be age-appropriate。
THIRD: Many useful resources for parents in and out of the classroom。 Parents need more tools to support their children’s ongoing learning。 At Helen Doron, young students enjoy a TV series-like story with loveable and relatable characters in each age-appropriate course。 Children watch or listen to the story on a regular basis as background hearing (a technique used to create an English environment in a non-native speaking country)。 Different APPs for a variety of courses provide parents more opportunities to interact with their children。 Activity Books are used during active play in the classroom and reviewed at home so parents can stop asking the age-old question of “what did you learn” – non-specific and often ineffective。 Instead they can use the animated pictures and stories in the book to ask specific questions relevant to what their learning。 Beyond this, our professional teachers set examples and work together with parents to provide more ideas and feedback to parents to play and use the language naturally at home。
主持人:教师节即将到来,给老师们的送上一句祝福。Please give a simple wish to all of teachers for coming teachers’ Day!
Heather Michelle:我想向所有的教师和家长献上我的祝福。我认为,家长也是老师,因为家长会让孩子所需的学习和生活技能得以提高。非常感谢所有教师的辛勤耕耘。学习如水,乃生存和成长之根本。当教师激发学生的潜力,激发学生对学习的热情时,就不仅培养了一种影响人的健康和成功的终身习惯,而且播下了一颗可能长成森林的种子。几乎每一个改变世界的非凡事件背后,都有一位教师在默默耕耘。
I want to send wishes out to all teachers – including parents。 I think as parents we are also teachers as we are supporting the academic and life skills needed for our children。 To all the teachers out there, I thank you for your service to your students。 Learning is like water; it’s essential for survival and growth。 When we have teachers that inspire the best out of us and create a passion for learning, they are not only building life-long habits that influence the health and success of one, but planting a seed that may grow a forest。 Behind almost every remarkable event is a teacher that inspired someone to change the world。
主持人:Thank you for sharing with us!And have a nice day!
Heather Michelle:Thank you。